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Interview with Josephine Haykal

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Date of Interview

June 24, 2019


Joseph Seif


Josephine Haykal

Biographical Text

Josephine was born in Aintoura, Lebanon. She got married at the age of 15 and has four kids, three boys and one girl. She lived through the Lebanese Civil War, however, towards the end she was able to flee with her family to Boston in the U.S. After a couple months, she moved with her family to Binghamton and started a restaurant business called the Phoenician in the University Plaza in Vestal. Today she is retired and lives in Vestal surrounded by her family and Lebanese community.


54:32 minutes



Digital Publisher

Binghamton University

Digital Format


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Aintoura, Lebanon, Japan, Lebanese Civil War, Family, Syria, Marriage, Lebanese Restaurant, Family Business, Boston, Vestal


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Item Information

About this Collection

Collection Description

This collection includes interviews of Middle Eastern immigrants who settled in the Binghamton area. Since the rise of nationalism and the repression of minorities during the last phase of the Ottoman Empire, the ethnic groups in the Middle East have faced physical pressure and violence, cultural assimilation, and ethnic… More

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“Interview with Josephine Haykal,” Digital Collections, accessed October 23, 2024,