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- Reinhardt's Reigen Digitization Project
James Humes
Date of Interview
Stephen McKiernan
James Humes
Biographical Text
James Humes (1934 - 2020) was an author, lawyer, profesor, politician, and former presidential speechwriter. Humes earned his Bachelor's degree from Williams College and his Law degree from George Washington University. He was elected as a Republican to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1962 and served as a speechwriter for Presidents Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan. Humes, a professor of Language and Leadership at the University of Southern Colorado, was the author of numerous books, including Nixon's Ten Commandments of Leadership and Negotiation, Confessions of a White House Ghostwriter, and The Wit and Wisdom of Winston Churchill.
Digital Publisher
Binghamton University Libraries
Digital Format
Original Format
Material Type
Interview Format
Rights Statement
Many items in our digital collections are copyrighted. If you want to reuse any material in our collection you must seek permission, or decide if your purpose can qualify as fair use under the U.S. Copyright Law Section 107. If you think copyright or privacy has been violated, the University Libraries will investigate the issue. Please see our take down policy. If using any materials in this online digital collection for educational or research purposes, please cite accordingly.
1960s; Anti-war protest; Richard Nixon; Class of people; War; Student protests; Vietnam; Vietnam War; Media; Protests; Generational gap; Baby Boomers.
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“James Humes,” Digital Collections, accessed March 13, 2025, https://omeka.binghamton.edu/omeka/items/show/1906.