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Interview with Michael Gulachok
Gulachok, Michael ; Markotsis, Constantine ; Brown, Russell
Michael Gulachok is a third generation Ukrainian American who has lived in the area for his entire life. Natalia, Michael’s wife, is a first-generation immigrant from Chernivtsi, Ukraine and has lived in the United States for two decades. Natalia lived in Brooklyn until marrying Michael and moving to the Southern Tier. Michael is a retired insurance salesman and lives in the southern tier of New York with his wife.
In Copyright
Date Modified
Is Part Of
Ukrainian Oral History Project
OHMS Object
Date of Interview
Constantine Markotsis and Russell Brown
Michael Gulachok
Biographical Text
Michael Gulachok is a third generation Ukrainian American who has lived in the area for his entire life. Natalia, Michael’s wife, is a first-generation immigrant from Chernivtsi, Ukraine and has lived in the United States for two decades. Natalia lived in Brooklyn until marrying Michael and moving to the Southern Tier. Michaelis a retired insurance salesman and lives in the southern tier of New York with his wife.
58:23 minutes
Digital Publisher
Binghamton University
Digital Format
Ukrainian Oral History Project
Interview Format
Subject LCSH
Michael Gulachok. --Interviews; Ukrainians--United States; Diaspora, Ukraine—History; Ukrainian; Germany; Migrations; Ethnic identity; Borderlands -- Poland -- History; Broome County (N.Y.)
Rights Statement
Many items in our digital collections are copyrighted. If you want to reuse any material in our collection you must seek permission, or decide if your purpose can qualify as fair use under the U.S. Copyright Law Section 107. If you think copyright or privacy has been violated, the University Libraries will investigate the issue. Please see our take down policy. If using any materials in this online digital collection for educational or research purposes, please cite accordingly.
Interviews; Ukrainian Americans; Ukrainians; Immigrants; Ukrainian diaspora
“Interview with Michael Gulachok,” Digital Collections, accessed March 12, 2025, https://omeka.binghamton.edu/omeka/items/show/587.